Arguments for or against harsher jail sentences for criminals and penalties for drunk drivers
Currently we are in a time where the economy is still recovering in the emerging or industrialized countries after the severe crisis that emerged in 2008 with regard to the recession, my point here is that we cannot allow criminals in a democratic country such us Costa Rica, because that would affect the stability of our country.
A small theft has to be punished, because if not criminals will used to steal what they want, the current laws are not working as it should be, as in remote villages there are many cases of crime. It doesn’t matter what the theft steal it might something small or big, however they should face the music or pay the consequences from their acts.
Each day we see the newspapers with news as it is exaggerated in the newspaper such the Extra, channel 7 and Repretel, theft cases in different parts of the country and this is where my concern arises: What are you doing the Members and hierarchies of Costa Rica, these authorities are happy to do assemblies and meetings to discuss their own salary increases and holidays, when the country is experiencing the other side of the coin.
On the other hand I want to refer to the large number of car accidents that happen every day simply by irresponsibly of drivers who consume alcohol, it is an outrage that from those who have high labor charges consumed beverage in the country instead of giving the example as the case of General Manager of the National Stock Exchange who was found under low levels of alcohol.
On the other hand I want to refer to the large number of car accidents that happen every day simply by irresponsibly of drivers who consume alcohol, it is an outrage that from those who have high labor charges consumed beverage in the country instead of giving the example as the case of General Manager of the National Stock Exchange who was found under low levels of alcohol.
I am convinced that we must implement measures and laws to punish criminals and those who consume alcohol while driving, for a better country and be an outstanding country in terms of recognition as a country of peace and worldwide example. We need Costa Rica as a healthy culture, but for that we need to start with ourselves and comply with the state regulations.
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