domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010


Nowadays, terrorism is a well known term that has been witnessed by people all over the world. Its definitions has been constantly changed by analysts since the definition of terrorism has proved controversial, however several parties agree that it is a word with intrinsically negative connotations that is generally applied to one's enemies and opponents, or to those with whom one disagrees and would otherwise prefer to ignore. Because of this, the decision to call someone or label some organization terrorist becomes almost unavoidably subjective, depending largely on whether one sympathizes with or opposes the person/group/cause concerned. There are multiple types of terrorism but only four will be developed below, these topics will be: domestic, nationalist, religious and state terrorism.
To begin with, domestic terrorism was defined as "the unlawful use of force or violence, committed by a group(s) of two or more individuals, against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, political or social objectives. Many real scenarios would be a good way to exemplify domestic terrorism; some of these events are the following: The Columbine High School massacre was a famous event that occurred on Tuesday, April 20, 1999, Colorado, United States where two senior students embarked on a massacre, killing 12 students and one teacher and then committed suicide. In 2001 anthrax attacks in the United States were also known as domestic terrorism act, letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to several news media offices and senators killing five people and infecting 17 others. Finally, the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) is a name used internationally by activists who engage in direct action tactics on behalf of animals. This includes removing animals from laboratories and fur farms, and sabotaging facilities involved in animal testing and other animal-based industries.
Second, nationalist terrorism is a form of terrorism motivated by nationalism; its members seek to gain self-determination in some form which implies obtaining gaining greater autonomy in order to establish a completely independent, sovereign state. The feeling among members of that group that they are oppressed or denied rights, especially rights granted to others. Violence and war are acceptable actions by those who perform this kind of terrorism since they consider that fighting for their nation´s rights is justified. Also, violence against immigrants in a country is another act of nationalist terrorism; therefore, many countries see immigration as a threat to the prosperity of the local or native population of that country. In 1968, United Kingdom and Ireland were on a conflict because of land. Those lands were part of the United Kingdom and Irish wanted those counties to leave the UK and unite with the Republic of Ireland.

Third, religious terrorism is performed by those whose motivations and aims have a predominant religious character or influence. The perpetrators must use religious scriptures to justify or explain their violent acts or to gain recruits. Suicide terrorism, self-sacrifice, or martyrdom has throughout history been organized and perpetrated by groups with both political and religious motivations. A good example of this is the World Trade Center which took place on September, 11th 2001 event is a possible example of religious terrorism. According to the information supplied by the US government, this tragedy was considered Islamic terrorism because the attack was Muslim related. According to Islam, defending its religion and culture is the most remarkable thing a Muslim can do even though this might require suicide as it happened at the WTC. Finally, State terrorism refers to acts of terrorism conducted by governments.
To conclude, besides the terrorist types that were developed, there are a lot more types that can be deeply analyzed. As a matter of fact, terrorism should not exist and human beings are supposed to respect each other but unfortunately because of social, political, religious or nationalism people will continue trying to reach their goals even though it is not done the right way.

viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010


Globalization in the Economy
The world of today is gradually getting more unified socio-economically and politically. Economic globalization or globalization in every sense in the whole world we see an increasing integration of the world production, consumption and the financial markets with a concurrent homogenization of culture worldwide.
Globalization of the world economy has been especially pronounced after World War II and the Great Depression of the 1930’s in the USA. Technically, globalization on the economic front refers to the integration of product prices, labor wages, interest rates and rates of profit toward developed country standards.
If we see the general case in our country Costa Rica we can realize that after the crisis in 2008 the economy is still fine, people are buying cars, houses, and they go to the movie theater, what I want to mean is that we have a good position in comparison with our neighbors from central America, the fact here is that Costa Rica is an interesting place for investments and make money, an example is that we have a hospital called Hotel Clínica Bíbllica, just imagine foreigners come here to pay less money for a medication treatment and besides that they discovered our country as a place to come and established a company and of course produce a big quantities of dollars.
In today’s newspaper I was reading that our passive basic rate of interest is around 7.5% which is still low and awesome for the consumers, this moment is a good option for investments especially for those which used to play the big play in the market called repurchased that consist on buying a title on the market in a small price and then in the previous time sell the shares and get profits.
Actually in Costa Rica Franklin Chang is development a project with 100 000 shares and each one costs $25000, that it’s a strategy to educated the society and invest. A funny phrase used by economics is “depend” due to we never know when things are going to changed.

domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010

New draft

Arguments for or against harsher jail sentences for criminals and penalties for drunk drivers
Currently we are in a time where the economy is still recovering in the emerging or industrialized countries after the severe crisis that emerged in 2008 with regard to the recession, my point here is that we cannot allow criminals in a democratic country such us Costa Rica, because that would affect the stability of our country.
A small theft has to be punished, because if not criminals will used to steal what they want, the current laws are not working as it should be, as in remote villages there are many cases of crime. It doesn’t matter what the theft steal it might something small or big, however they should face the music or pay the consequences from their acts.
Each day we see the newspapers with news as it is exaggerated in the newspaper such the Extra, channel 7 and Repretel, theft cases in different parts of the country and this is where my concern arises: What are you doing the Members and hierarchies of Costa Rica, these authorities are happy to do assemblies and meetings to discuss their own salary increases and holidays, when the country is experiencing the other side of the coin.

On the other hand I want to refer to the large number of car accidents that happen every day simply by irresponsibly of drivers who consume alcohol, it is an outrage that from those who have high labor charges consumed beverage in the country instead of giving the example as the case of General Manager of the National Stock Exchange who was found under low levels of alcohol.

On the other hand I want to refer to the large number of car accidents that happen every day simply by irresponsibly of drivers who consume alcohol, it is an outrage that from those who have high labor charges consumed beverage in the country instead of giving the example as the case of General Manager of the National Stock Exchange who was found under low levels of alcohol.
I am convinced that we must implement measures and laws to punish criminals and those who consume alcohol while driving, for a better country and be an outstanding country in terms of recognition as a country of peace and worldwide example. We need Costa Rica as a healthy culture, but for that we need to start with ourselves and comply with the state regulations.

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010


Ethnic’s conflicts
In many countries and many periods a person's ethnic identity has profound consequences for his or her physical safety, political status, and economic prospects. Violent confrontation along ethnic lines is the most apparent form of ethnic conflict, and recently has claimed lives capital.
Elsewhere, the rent seeking from a dominant group takes the form of exploitation and discrimination against the minorities: examples of this kind are Algeria, Malaysia, several Latin American countries with indigenous populations, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and, some would say, the United States.
Hence, a majority that would otherwise prefer peaceful coexistence engages in repression and discrimination against the minority in order to prevent the latter from attempting a grab for power.
We all live in the same planet and it is an obligation to be concern that each human deserve respect regarding their culture, we all have the same rights, it doesn’t matter what our economic situation is, we shouldn’t care about the color of the skin of my neighbor because their humans as we are.
The ethnics conflicts come from prejudice, ignorance, and racism which are the wrong techniques that sometimes the leaders of countries practice without been with an open mind of thinking. We all need to fight to stop the issues to happen mainly in our country and of course all over due to it is occasioning several wars, besides those human deaths.