viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010


Why is domestic violence a human rights concern?

Nowadays the development of human rights has been expressed in terms of generations: The civil and political rights, as the first generation rights; economic, social and cultural rights as the second generation rights; and the group or people's rights, which are recently defined as the third generation rights.
Further, as this development expresses a chronology of rights, it is also held, of course controversially, as implying a hierarchy of rights. From women's perspective, however, this development exhibits a commonality that in its current form, the rights movement is based on male experiences.
Indeed the development of human rights movement, right from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the three generations of rights shows that rights are defined as belonging to all human beings irrespective of gender. However, though international law is gender neutral in theory, in practice it constituted men and women into separate spheres of existence--public and private, respectively. Thus men exist as public, legal entities that enjoy civil and political rights and in a way define the nature of rights discourse. Women's existence, on the other hand, is privatized. Often women's exclusion from the human rights practice and discourse, their relegation to the private, has been justified on grounds of social and cultural specificity of region or a group.
Moreover, in addition to holding states responsible for taking action against the human rights abuses occurring in the private sphere, feminist human rights thinkers argued that domestic violence should be conceived as a form of torture. Catherine MacKinnon 1990, a feminist human rights thinker, asks that though torture with cases of disappearance and murder, is widely recognized as a core violation of human rights, that inequality on the basis of sex is widely condemned, why torture on basis of sex in the form of rape is.
To summarize the people in this country and all others should fight for the equality of rights to avoid violence in the families and also the difference in what respects to woman and a man, it doesn’t matter what your sex is, but we all are humans looking for a better quality of life.


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